Vision in Legacy Music Productions
The Vision in Legacy record label originated in Jamaica. An inspiration that has been with Garvey since the early days in Augustown Hermitage, Vision in Legacy has manifested itself through the teachings of Marcus Garvey and His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I. The message they bring that I must manifest for the younger generation within to carry on the works of the great elders.
Artist development for a better outlook into the future inspired by Marcus Garvey.
Soldier On – New Album
Anthony Garvey – Am Wide Awake
Jamaican Roots Rock Reggae singer/songwriter/arranger/composer/performer Anthony Garvey (formerly known as Garvey) has a proud lineage stretching back to the philosopher and activist Marcus Garvey, his great-grandfather. Anthony is consciously directed to fulfill the legacy with a vision of harmony among all the races permeating his music and life path.
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